GreenStuf® Acoustic Ridged Ductliner (ARD) is engineered to maximise sound absorption and thermal performance for Air Conditioning Ducting. GreenStuf ARD can be used as an interior surface lining in commercial or residential spaces to help reduce noise reverberation. It is a semi-rigid board in white, black or grey and can also be used within HVAC ducting. ARD gained the supreme Group 1s rating under the ISO 9705 Fire test, making it a versatile and safe choice for any surface liner.
High Acoustic performance – up to NRC 0.90
Safe to use as an Interior surface liner – ISO 9705 Fire Test – Group 1s rating.
GreenStuf® Acoustic Ridged Ductliner (ARD) is not affected by moisture. If, for any reason, it gets wet it will dry out with no adverse effect on its performance or durability.
GreenStuf® Acoustic Ridged Ductliner (ARD) products are light-weight and easy to handle.
No precautions are required for handling the product – it will not cause irritation when touched.
GreenStuf® is naturally resistant to insect and vermin attacks and does not contain chemical deterrents. Birds and vermin will live and nest in all bulk-fibre insulation materials if allowed access. In high-risk areas, Autex recommends ensuring that the building perimeter is vermin proofed.
Odourless, non-irritant and chemical-free.
Manufactured in New Zealand.
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